Individual Therapy

Work through the burdens you’ve been carrying on your own.

Individual Therapy

For anyone struggling with relationship issues on their own, or other individual issues such as anxiety, Chris Anderson can help you navigate it through Individual Therapy based in Orlando, Florida and serving anyone in Florida through online therapy.


Though most people struggle with anxiety to some degree, your anxiety might be on a whole other level. You wish you could relax, make decisions, or just generally enjoy life, but you’re crippled by the thoughts of anything and everything that could go wrong.

Or, if you’ve recently experienced a particularly tough breakup or divorce, you might be wondering how you’re ever going to fully heal from it. You want to move on, but you just don’t know how.

Perhaps you have a troubling history of relationship setbacks that you’d like to better understand and process so that you don’t keep making the same mistakes.

Or maybe you find yourself at a loss in regards to your life’s purpose or meaning. You feel like you’re in a rut and don’t know how to get out.


You might not be in a romantic relationship at the moment, or you are but you want to work on your issue on your own. I will work with you individually if that’s what you want.

I will help you reduce your anxiety, or even change your relationship with anxiety, so that it isn’t an obstacle, but rather a help in your life.

I’ll process your past relationship difficulties with you so that you can learn from them and move on.

I’ll help you figure out what you really want out of life so that you can get going in the right direction for you.


With my training and education as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as well as that of a certified Sex Therapist, I am prepared to handle a number of different issues you might be facing.

I also have 8 years of experience doing therapy, and I’ve learned how different every individual is.

Though we all have similarities, I try to leave room for what I don’t know. This way, I will be sure to learn what makes you unique and then help you more specifically.

Begin the path to healing and happiness now.